How To Make Your Exhibition Stand Star Of The Show

How To Make Your Exhibition Stand
The Star Of The Show

Here are seven of our favourite tips on how to attract visitors to an exhibition stand.

1. Use Eye-catching Graphics

As people walk by, they need to almost immediately understand what it is you offer and why they should speak to you. One of the best ways to transfer this message quickly is through high quality, eye-catching graphics. Strong colours and large text is key, and so is minimalism in the message. Try to keep everything as concise as possible; key phrases and points should be visible from afar so that people see who you are and why they should stop at your stand.

2. Make Your Stand Interactive

People love to be entertained when they visit a stand, and a great way to do this is by using interactive touchscreens to engage the customer. Giant touchscreens immediately pique interest and do games and competitions. The advantage with screens is that you can preload anything on there you want, right through from an insightful game to a survey you are collecting responses to. Another simple but highly effective route to take could be to hold a selfie competition!

3. Put The Right People On The Stands

When you’re concentrating so much on the what the stand looks like, many people overlook who are the best people to put on the stand. The right move might be to put your product experts on the stand, but are they the best people to encourage people to the stand in the first place? Maybe think about who would be best to do this and have the product experts on hand to have the detailed conversation, once you’ve engaged with visitors.

4. Give Out Freebies

Stall owners have been giving out freebies to passers-by for years. Well, the truth is that they still work a treat, but you just need to be a little unique. Yes, things like pens and notepads embossed with your branding still work OK, but they aren’t as effective as they once were. Instead, invest a small amount in some decent freebies that people genuinely love and will use time and time again. Depending on your brand, this could be anything from a flash drive memory stick to custom sunglasses. You can even take things a step further and come up with a hashtag for people to show off their freebies on social media, extending the reach of your branding after the show has finished.

5. Create A Place To Be Comfortable

After many hours spent walking from stall to stall, hearing the same old sales pitches, your customers are going to start feeling tired. So, instead of making them stand in an awkward space crowded up against everyone else, create a cosy environment. It’s time to bust out the sofas and bean bags, so you can offer every interested guest a place to sit while you talk details. Providing a comfortable place to take five will also make your stand one of the most popular at the show and and become a place where people naturally congregate – exposing them to your brand – especially if you offer a free coffee as well! Why not take it one step further and offer charging points too?

6. Make Use Of High-quality Hanging

In large exhibition halls, where the space is vast, you can make yourself stand out right away by using hanging structures. Very few people make use of these and it’s a great way to catch someone’s attention as soon as they walk through the door. These are especially useful if your stand is located on the far side of the room and you are worried that you won’t naturally get quite as much passing foot traffic. Hanging structures really help your brand message to be seen by a greater number of people, and many will find themselves heading for your stand to discover more. Even if you can’t hang anything from the ceiling, make use of any facias on the shell scheme and add your branding.

7. Think Critically About The Exhibition
Stand Flooring

The flooring is one crucial area that the vast majority of stall operators fail to think about. Having quirky flooring is a fantastic way to draw attention to you and your brand for being unique. Instead of opting for the auditorium’s bog-standard flooring, you could instead roll out the astro turf and create a unique and appealing space to visit. If done right, exhibition stand flooring can perfectly complement an altogether redesigned stall from top to bottom.