Our Top Tips to Attract & Engage Visitors

Is enticing visitors to your stand lacking? Are your stand staff not motivated? Are your goals and ROI being diminished as a result? No one wants to lose the engagement between the staff and the visitor so we have come up with some top tips to help your team connect with visitors again at your next exhibition.

Why are you exhibiting at the show?

What’s the ultimate goal you are trying to achieve? Have you briefed the staff? When exhibiting at a show the staff need to know why they are engaging with the visitors and who to follow up with after the show has finished.

What is your campaign?

Talk to your colleagues in depth before the show and tell them what they should be talking about to the visitors. Tell them a background story to help guide their conversations, this could potentially win customers.

Who is the audience?

Before the show do some research and get some info on the visitors who visited the show last year. The show organisers can usually provide you with stats on the previous year’s attendees and this will help you tailor your engagement.

Share this information before the show but to also refresh their memories with an on-stand briefing. A good idea is to get the team early to the show; at least half an hour before so you have enough time to brief them.

Stay motivated

Everyone gets tired and less motivated as the day goes by, and being on your feet all day definitely makes you tired – tiredness is a mood killer. It is important to keep your team motivated throughout the whole day because the last visitor of the day could be the most important.

Regularly scheduled breaks will do wonders for their engagement levels, it allows the colleague to get refreshed and prevents the team from eating on the stand (which is a big exhibiting no no).

To increase those motivation levels a little further, encourage your team to set personal targets. These could include:

  • talk to 10 people in the next hour
  • conduct an on-stand product demonstration

Help re-motivate and re-focus their energies on engaging visitors with these motivation tips.

Engage with the visitors

You don’t always have to engage with conversations, sometimes creative content and engagement tools can do the hard work for you. These can give visitors a reason to approach your show stand, an initial talking point and can certainly take pressure off the team.

The aim of a trade show stand is that you want the visitors to remember you above the competition and a quick chat with your colleagues may not cut it. Use the engagement tools to help add value to your dialogue, whether it’s a game or a virtual environment.


Expo is one of the UK’s leading exhibition stand suppliers, supplying the full range of exhibition stand solutions. We have been designing and installing exhibition stands for nearly 30 years, so we know what works and how to make your stand work for you. Contact us today for more info.